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Now offering picture book manuscript critiques!


I am excited to offer query/submission editing services! Query letters, synopsis, and the first 10 pages are all crucial to finding an agent and kickstarting your writing career! Creating and editing queries are something I personally have always enjoyed doing, and I would love to help more people perfect their submission packages! 


*Fill out the contact form at the bottom to request a service!

Query Critique


I will read, edit, and give you a short write-up with overall thoughts on the query letter. I will provide insight/edits on both content and format as well as immediate first reactions after reading the query letter. You may also request a second look after revisions.


Synopsis Critique


I will read, edit, and give you a write-up for your synopsis. I will provide line edits and provide insight on content, format, and immediate first reactions after reading your synopsis. You may also request a second look after revisions.


Query & Synopsis Package


This package includes everything from the query and synopsis services as well as an optional 10 minute phone call to discuss edits/answer any questions. 


Total Submission Package


This package includes everything from the Query & Synopsis package as well as the first 10 pages of your manuscript (double-spaced). For your manuscript, I will also be providing line edits and a write-up with my overall thoughts.


Picture Book Manuscript Critique


I will read, line-edit, and give you a short write-up with overall thoughts on your picture book manuscript! I will provide insight on the overall storyline, formatting, art direction, and wording. 

I will look over your revised version for an additional $10.

Get in Touch

Send me a request here! Please include which package you are interested in. I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Thanks for submitting!

Book and Coffee
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